Another exciting event at The Park. On Friday 9th June at 7pm Jon Trail - Living Landscapes Manager for Wolds and Holderness Yorkshire Wildlife Trust will be providing a workshop at The Park. This is a free of charge event for all - but particularly suited to our older Kilnwick Parklings and adults. He will be discussing how we best utilise the bird boxes, bat boxes and insect hotels kindly donated by CJ Wildlife to maximise biodiversity. He will also be assessing the site for further opportunities to enhance wildlife opportunities (such as creating a wetland habitat and so forth). This event will take the format of a "walk around" The Park with Jon. Please meet at 7pm at The Park.
We are delighted to announce that the local firm Addplant are supplying us with events toilets free of charge for our Grand Opening party over the 2nd / 3rd September. This is an extremely generous offer and a large cost saving for our celebration. A huge thank you to Addplant for their support! We are absolutely thrilled to announce a forthcoming Kilnwick Parklings youth event. On the afternoon of the 17th June Patrick Walls will be coming to run a stone carving event! This is strictly limited to 25 young people (no age limit, parents can assist). Each young person will be able to carve their own 25cm x 25cm limestone tile which will be used to create a long term piece of art for The Park. Numbers are strictly limited due to the funding for this workshop and if oversubscribed those young people who have already attended a Kilnwick Parklings event will be prioritised. If any adults / additional young people would like to have a go the cost is £15. Please enquire / book in with Ellen - The Park secretary - by emailing her: [email protected] The event will also be covered by Driffield and Wolds Weekly Newspaper. For further details please visit: We are delighted to announce that The Sir James Reckitt Charity have agreed to support our project. . This is another boost for the play equipment funds. The play equipment will be ordered in early June. A big thank you to all involved.
We are delighted to announce that we have received notification of support from the 4GoodFund (YorHub). This is absolutely fantastic news as it will fund 4 pieces of play equipment and it means that our project is well over 90% funded.
Specifically the funding will mean we can purchase and install (with safety surfacing) a rota-bounce (rotating see-saw), toddler swing, monkey bars and wide embankment slide. Absolutely amazing. Huge thanks to the 4GoodFund for their invaluable support. Exciting news! A beer festival with live music from the "Underground Owls" is being organised at Lund Village Hall on the evening of Saturday 10th June. Tickets are £10 including "Pie and Peas" supper. Very kindly, 50% of the proceeds will be donated to "The Park, Kilnwick." We are delighted! Please do support this event - have fun - and help us reach our fundraising goal in one go! Susannah Bristow will have tickets from this weekend - or contact Johnny Walker on 07894541550 or via [email protected] The Park is beginning to look like... a park! Huge thanks to everyone for their help along the way - especially the volunteers who have tirelessly picked stones and watered trees, to Wayne and our other farming helpers for all the agricultural works and to Frontier for the grass seed donation. Its looking fabulous!
A huge thank you to everyone who came along to The Park today. A big thank you to Karen from Crafty Learners for leading the Scarecrow making workshop for the "Kilnwick Parklings" youth group. Thanks to everyone who came along and took part and also to the volunteers who came along and watered every single tree at The Park (953 to be precise!). You are all fabulous!
More details of the Kilnwick Parklings activities can be found in the "Kilnwick Parklings" section of this website. A huge thank you to the volunteers who worked tirelessly this morning at The Park. Between them they de-stoned the area between the trees (moving around another 8 tonnes of stones), sowed grass seed and watered all the specimen and orchard trees! Thank you so much to everyone. An extra big thank you to to Wayne for harrowing with his quad (far more effective than hand-raking!) and to Martin for bringing his dumper truck (again, much easier than hand barrowing all the stones). The youngsters also did some construction! A fabulous group effort once again! And look at the main area - the grass is REALLY growing well now! A huge thank you once again to Frontier for donating the grass seed and to everyone who has contributed.
We were delighted to show Bev Gibson and Mark Richardson from JSR Farms around The Park last week. Their advice, particularly in relation to our wildlife habitat creation, was invaluable. We were thrilled to find out today that the "JS and EC Rymer Trust" will be supporting our project by providing a donation towards play equipment. We are delighted! We will be ordering the play equipment in around 4 weeks time, so this funding is simply fabulous. Thank you to JSR Farms.
"The Parkies"This is where you can find all the latest updates on the Park project - from the organisers. Archives
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