So who was listening to Radio Humbersides "Absolutely Clueless" feature this morning? We were the final clue and Lucy got the prize this week!
We were thrilled to get a visit and to talk about The Park live on air! https://www.bbc.co.uk/radiohumberside 🌳 Our revised Parklings timetable for the coming couple of months!
Just a reminder that each young person must be accompanied by an adult and sign in to each activity (and fill in registration forms if it's your first attendance). All very welcome. --------------------------------------------------------- 23rd April (Monday) - Star gazing, weather permitting (clear skies needed!). Come warmly dressed and with a torch. We've got telescopes, binoculars and glow in the dark star maps! 28th April (Sunday) 2 til 4pm - Scarecrow re-modelling and wildflower seed sprinkling - Karen from Crafty Learners will be leading the crafty workshop. Please bring rakes, trowels and gardening gloves to re-seed the meadow. 9th May (Wednesday) 6.30pm to 8pm - Sports session run by Sporty Rich! Come in sports gear and be prepared for action! 19th May (Saturday) - Royal Wedding picnic at the park with fancy dress (Prince / Princess themed of course!)... time to be confirmed... 9th June (Saturday) - Pond dipping 2-4pm - our pond is getting remodelled soon and we will have our new pontoon in position to try out. Last time we found over 30 species... bring yourselves! 23rd June - (Saturday) 2-4pm - Rock painting (wild animal / bug themed) - with Karen from crafty learners - come in clothes suited to painting! 🌳 The Park was looking beautiful in tonight's sunshine... lovely daffodils planted by the Parklings in the orchard, some beautiful tulips planted around an adopted tree and the first blossom in the orchard too.
We are (nearly) ready for action!
We will be continuing the development of The Park and finishing off jobs from last year during April, May, June and July. We would love volunteers to come and help us with tasks such as pond development, weeding, finishing the entrance path, creating an agility trail with big logs, adjusting the grass mound for the slide to be fitted and lots, lots more... We will be meeting at 10am each day on the following dates: April 28th & 29th May 12th & 13th June 9th & 10th July 14th & 15th Each volunteers event is likely to end with a group BBQ to say thank you. We would be hugely grateful for your help - however much or little you can provide. Specific information to be provided in the build up to each weekend - but in general gardening gloves, a wheelbarrow or bucket, trowel and spade would be useful kit to bring along. Children are welcome to come and play - but the physical volunteering is for adults. Thanks as ever for your support. This amazing community creation could not have happened without all you fabulous people. 🌳 Draft calendar of events for Kilnwick Parklings (all Saturdays 2-4pm) Finer details to be confirmed in the build up to each event.
28th April - Wildflower Meadow re-seeding - huge thanks to Lucy Rowley and "Mortimors" for donation of the seed. 12th May - Craft workshop - details TBC 19th May - Royal Wedding picnic with Fancy dress - Prince and Princess theme! 9th June - Pond dipping 23rd June - Sports session We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Holy Moly and the Crackers will be performing at Lund Village Hall on the 8th September 2018 - as a fundraiser for The Park!
They are a truly incredible band and we are thrilled that they are supporting The Park. More details to be announced nearer the time - but keep the date free for a fabulous night of music! https://www.holymolyandthecrackers.com/ |
"The Parkies"This is where you can find all the latest updates on the Park project - from the organisers. Archives
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